Machine beds and machine bed components made from alternative materials


System supplier of machine bed solutions and machine systems

RAMPF Machine Systems based in Wangen (near Göppingen), Germany, is the market-leading development partner and system supplier of complete machine bed solutions and machine systems.

Its service portfolio includes system solutions, trunk machines, basic machinery, and multi-axis positioning and moving systems based on machine beds and machine bed components made from alternative materials such as mineral casting, hard stone, and ultra-high performance concrete.

High-precision machine systems are produced using innovative replication, grinding, and lapping processes in temperature-controlled production environments.

This makes RAMPF Machine Systems the full-service partner for developing and manufacturing future-oriented machinery and production technology for a huge range of industries.

Machine beds & components

Solid and vibration-damping basis for highly dynamic engineering applications

Precision Grinding

Holistic service concept for contract grinding of high-precision machine components

Positioning and Moving Systems

For the toughest requirements in terms of precision and dynamics

Do-it-yourself Mineral Casting

For machine components as well as a wide range of technical and artistic applications in the acoustics, design, construction, and art sectors

Inside view – the company movie

Innovative solutions for your highly dynamic production technology.

Tried and tested: