Corona Update: June 30, 2020
Dear Customers, dear Partners,
We are very grateful that only very few of our employees have contracted the corona virus and that they have all fully recovered. The health of our staff is our top priority, which is why strict social distancing and hygiene rules apply in all RAMPF companies.
Nevertheless, the corona pandemic continues to hold the world in its grip and massively affect the economy; it is not yet clear how quickly the markets will recover from this shock. However, the fact that “normal” day-to-day work is slowly returning to our companies makes us cautiously optimistic.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have kept our production running and upheld our delivery capability. We are proud of this and grateful to our employees for their effort.
We are always there for you, our customers and partners, and ready to find the best solutions in accordance with the current circumstances.
We wish you and your family good health and all the best for your company.