The greatest possible care was taken when putting together the information about our products and processes contained in this website and all application- and production-related recommendations.

Please note, however, that the information and recommendations are of a general nature and, as such, can in no way replace the individual advice required in each specific case, the details on our safety data sheets, or any similar information, for example on our technical data sheets. Furthermore, it remains essential for users to ensure the suitability of products etc. for the intended purpose. Due in particular to the many different possible applications, individual advice and checking of suitability for the intended use are essential in each specific case once the detailed circumstances and underlying conditions are known.

Our application- and production-related recommendations are based on many years of practical experience and reflect the state of the art. However, we cannot provide any guarantee that the information and recommendations published here are correct and complete. We accept no liability for damage or losses resulting directly or indirectly from utilization of the information and recommendations. This excludes liability for deliberate actions and gross negligence.