
Antibacterial sealing foam

In room air conditioning systems (RLT) the distribution and reproduction of harmful microorganisms must always be excluded. For this purpose, comprehensive hygiene measures to comply with microbiological limit values are absolutely necessary. With the hygiene guideline series VDI 6022 "Hygiene requirements for ventilation systems and units", a standard has been created which covers all components of an air handling system - from the fresh air intake to the supply air outlet - and defines the hygiene objectives. This therefore also applies to the seals installed in air handling systems. For this reason the RAMPF sealing system portfolio also includes an antibacterial sealing foam on a polyurethane basis. This has passed the test according to DIN EN ISO 846 (test for microbial metabolism VDI 6022) and can therefore be used without hesitation in room air conditioning systems, air conditioning systems, clean room lighting, fans and filters.